validate($request, [ 'start_at' => 'required', 'end_at' => 'required', 'public_id' => 'required' ]); $public_id = $request->get('public_id') ?? 0; $result = array( 'total' => [ 'all' => [ 'pv' => 0, 'uv' => 0, ], '1x' => [ 'pv' => 0, 'uv' => 0, ], '2x' => [ 'pv' => 0, 'uv' => 0, ], '3x' => [ 'pv' => 0, 'uv' => 0, ], '4x' => [ 'pv' => 0, 'uv' => 0, ], ], 'list' => [ '1x' => [], '2x' => [], '3x' => [], '4x' => [] ], ); \DB::enableQueryLog(); $uvall = \DB::select( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`uid`)) as c FROM `kdgx_charge_fpdx_miniprogram_formid` WHERE `public_id`= ? and `action_id` BETWEEN ? and ? and `created_at` BETWEEN ? and ?", [ $public_id, 10000, 49999, strtotime($request->post('start_at')), strtotime($request->post('end_at')) + 86400 ] ); $uv1x = \DB::select( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`uid`)) as c FROM `kdgx_charge_fpdx_miniprogram_formid` WHERE `public_id`= ? and `action_id` BETWEEN ? and ? and `created_at` BETWEEN ? and ?", [ $public_id, 10000, 19999, strtotime($request->post('start_at')), strtotime($request->post('end_at')) + 86400 ] ); $uv2x = \DB::select( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`uid`)) as c FROM `kdgx_charge_fpdx_miniprogram_formid` WHERE `public_id`= ? and `action_id` BETWEEN ? and ? and `created_at` BETWEEN ? and ?", [ $public_id, 20000, 29999, strtotime($request->post('start_at')), strtotime($request->post('end_at')) + 86400 ] ); $uv3x = \DB::select( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`uid`)) as c FROM `kdgx_charge_fpdx_miniprogram_formid` WHERE `public_id`= ? and `action_id` BETWEEN ? and ? and `created_at` BETWEEN ? and ?", [ $public_id, 30000, 39999, strtotime($request->post('start_at')), strtotime($request->post('end_at')) + 86400 ] ); $uv4x = \DB::select( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`uid`)) as c FROM `kdgx_charge_fpdx_miniprogram_formid` WHERE `public_id`= ? and `action_id` BETWEEN ? and ? and `created_at` BETWEEN ? and ?", [ $public_id, 40000, 49999, strtotime($request->post('start_at')), strtotime($request->post('end_at')) + 86400 ] ); $result['total']['all']['uv'] = $uvall[0]->c; $result['total']['1x']['uv'] = $uv1x[0]->c; $result['total']['2x']['uv'] = $uv2x[0]->c; $result['total']['3x']['uv'] = $uv3x[0]->c; $result['total']['4x']['uv'] = $uv4x[0]->c; $pvs = \DB::select( "SELECT `action_id`, COUNT(*) as c FROM `kdgx_charge_fpdx_miniprogram_formid` WHERE `public_id`= ? and `created_at` BETWEEN ? and ? GROUP BY `action_id`", [$public_id, strtotime($request->post('start_at')), strtotime($request->post('end_at')) + 86400] ); foreach ($pvs as $v) { if ($v->action_id >= 10000 && $v->action_id <= 19999) { $result['total']['all']['pv'] += $v->c; $result['total']['1x']['pv'] += $v->c; $result['list']['1x'][$v->action_id]['pv'] = $v->c; } if ($v->action_id >= 20000 && $v->action_id <= 29999) { $result['total']['all']['pv'] += $v->c; $result['total']['2x']['pv'] += $v->c; $result['list']['2x'][$v->action_id]['pv'] = $v->c; } if ($v->action_id >= 30000 && $v->action_id <= 39999) { $result['total']['all']['pv'] += $v->c; $result['total']['3x']['pv'] += $v->c; $result['list']['3x'][$v->action_id]['pv'] = $v->c; } if ($v->action_id >= 40000 && $v->action_id <= 49999) { $result['total']['all']['pv'] += $v->c; $result['total']['4x']['pv'] += $v->c; $result['list']['4x'][$v->action_id]['pv'] = $v->c; } } $uvs = \DB::select( "SELECT `action_id`, COUNT(*) as c FROM( SELECT DISTINCT(`uid`), `action_id` FROM `kdgx_charge_fpdx_miniprogram_formid` WHERE `public_id`= ? and `created_at` BETWEEN ? and ?) as tab GROUP BY`action_id`", [$public_id, strtotime($request->post('start_at')), strtotime($request->post('end_at')) + 86400] ); foreach ($uvs as $v) { if ($v->action_id >= 10000 && $v->action_id <= 19999) { $result['list']['1x'][$v->action_id]['uv'] = $v->c; } if ($v->action_id >= 20000 && $v->action_id <= 29999) { $result['list']['2x'][$v->action_id]['uv'] = $v->c; } if ($v->action_id >= 30000 && $v->action_id <= 39999) { $result['list']['3x'][$v->action_id]['uv'] = $v->c; } if ($v->action_id >= 40000 && $v->action_id <= 49999) { $result['list']['4x'][$v->action_id]['uv'] = $v->c; } } return array( 'code' => 200, 'message' => 'success', 'data' => $result ); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \ApiException($e->getMessage(), 501); } } }